Wednesday, September 19, 2012

TEE Time

Zach taking a swing at the monstrous park.
Tuesday was the first day I taught golf lessons after being asked to teach the students by the head of athletics here at SLU. We all gathered outside one of the buildings on campus at 6:20pm (I picked the time). Then we walked over to the park. I had heard about this huge one of a kind park but did not know what it entailed. This place blew my breath away. It had everything: running track, tennis courts, archery, driving range from two ends, short-game golf, playgrounds, cafes, golf pro shop, fountains, gardens, basketball courts, stretching areas, and even an upper class lounge/restaurant. Our group was a pretty good size, about 12 people with an evenly mixed guy to girl ratio which I was happy about. Only about 4 of us had hit a golf ball before in our lives. This was another good thing because out of all 4 of us, 3 were rusty as ever. There was one girl Jessica who said she plays every Sunday at home with her dad. She of course was that 1 person who was not rusty. She played in high school just like me. I gave a few people some tips but didn’t want to be overwhelming or annoying especially when I was still not up to par myself (no pun intended). The way some people swung or just tried to hit the ball made me crack up. One guy literally made it look like he was playing HOCKEY! People didn’t know how to hold the club and had no idea what each club was meant for. Everything is paid for which was extremely beneficial. I think this is going to be a fun extracurricular activity here and hey, not many people can say they golfed in Spain let alone taught the university students!! These golf outings will take place biweekly.  I’ll come back and let all my followers know how the practices are going!

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