Monday, October 29, 2012

Futbol (Soccer) & the Countryside

Elena, Agustus and I

Elena and I sitting in the stands to the right of the player with the white shirt
Day 3- The next day we woke up around 11:15am and laughed about falling asleep so early the night before. At 11:30am we headed to Ale’s soccer game (Ale is Elena’s boyfriend). His team is ranked #1 in the league and the opponent from the other island (who they played) is ranked #2, so this games was a good matchup to watch. A little bit of rivalry broke out between the two teams twice, but each time the other team started the commotion. I think they were just mad that Las Palmas was wining because one of the “fights” took place towards the end of the game when Las Palmas was winning 3-0 which ended up to be the final score anyways. The weather at the beginning of the game was bright and sunny with powerful heat from the sun. During halftime the clouds rolled in and took away the heat which felt good for a change. The remainder of the game was played with cloudy weather which Elena was thrilled about. Elena’s friend Agustus photographed the first half of the game and then came and hung out with us for the entire second half. So, this being said, I got to practice my Spanish since he does not really know English! After the game we waited for Ale to congratulate him. Then it was time to go home for lunch. In the Canary Islands, lunch is the biggest meal of the day and dinner is the smallest. We had a complete lunch with the table set and everything. Lunch was delicious, pork and French fries! After that we didn’t really do much. Just bummed around the house. Elena and I watched Bridesmaids half in English and half in Spanish since it is easier for her to understand things for the first time in Spanish. I had seen the movie already so I was fine with watching it in Spanish. I actually think watching it in Spanish made it funnier. But anyways, we didn’t get to watch the entire thing because we headed up to Elena’s family house up in the mountains out in the country of the island. 
The temperature difference was drastically different! Elena, Laura (her sister), Soli (her sister’s friend) and I were literally sitting in the house with our jackets on. 
Elena, Soli, Laura and I (and the game DixIt)
The house was SO cute. Actually, Laura was in the process of moving there with her longtime boyfriend Dan. We watched some TV (in Spanish), ate some snacks, played a game called DixIt, and eventually had a late dinner. DixIt is a game Laura received the day before as a gift on her Saint Day. Your Saint Day is almost like a birthday and is a huge deal in the Spanish culture. This game requires you to use your imagination which made it extremely fun to play. Eventually it was time to go back home. I had SO much fun this past weekend catching up with Elena and seeing the island. I would love to go back but I do not think I will have enough time. However, I could not have asked for a better weekend.   
Elena's Dog Molly!

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