Sunday, November 4, 2012

The U.S. Embassy in Spain

On Friday, October 26th, I went with my roommate, Gaytri, and her boyfriend, Parth, to the U.S. Embassy to drop off my vote for the 2012 election. We figured out the route a head of time and hopped on the bus around 12:30pm. I called the embassy prior to arriving to ask them if i can come and the women said yes, she would tell the GUARDS that I am coming. I thought this was pretty cool until we arrived outside the embassy. The security men were legit holding HUGE guns. I wanted to take a picture, but I am not sure if that was allowed so I refrained. However, I did take pictures sneakily of the voting drop-box and inside the embassy itself. I also took a picture of the Hummer police vehicles stationed outside the building. The U.S. Embassy would have Hummer police cars while the rest of Madrid has girly little sedan police cars. The security guys were extremely nice to us and hardly anyone was in the actual embassy besides us. I didn’t have to leave my purse with security for some strange reason, but my roommate Gaytri did. I think this might be because she is Indian? who knows. Once inside, we found our way to the voting window.  There were two tellers and two other people inside besides us. One of the persons I traveled to Lagos with a few weeks prior! What a small world. He actually needed me to sign his ballad as a “witness” which I was fine with doing because I talked to him in Portugal and he remembered me. The waiting area was set up with lots of pictures of U.S. related things such as Washington, D.C. and the Philadelphia Phillies. Out of all the sports teams in the country, I think it is pretty funny they picked the Phillies in the same city I go to school in. I waited for Gaytri and Parth to finish their applications, and shortly after, that concluded our adventure to the U.S. Embassy in Spain. May the best contender win! (Pictures are coming soon)

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